Thursday, February 15, 2007

I'm no Michael Jordan

We have started back up with Open Gym Basketball here at the BX. I must say that it is going well, We have been averaging about 20-25 people each week, which is great! I have really enjoyed getting to meet the guys who come regularly. The really cool thing about sports is that no matter where you are from or what you did, it brings people together. It is the universal language and it brakes down all kinds of cultural boundaries. It is great to use sports as a way to develop relationships, and share Christ. So whether on the court, field, or mate, wherever our arena of competition is, you have the opportunity to impact the lives of the people you come in contact with by your actions and your words. So, next time you compete be intentional about playing in a way that will bring God all the glory, and honor as well as being a example for Him!
I hope to see you soon!



Anonymous said...

I'm no Michael Jordan...really, or are you just being humble?

theBBCblog said...

maybe a dwayne wade. hahaha