Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Staff Restructuring

As was announced in previous Sundays (by our pastor and our personnel committee), our staff is being (and has been) restructured to be more effective in ministry. To read more details, you can see an explanation on our website by clicking here. There is an explanation and a chart. I think that the accompanying chart should help make things clear as to who reports to whom in our staff structure. I would add a couple more things:
  1. The church will be kept posted on how our staff situation is developing, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

  2. Please pray that God would send us the right people to fill the positions that are open right now. Pray as well for those staff members who are making changes in their daily responsibilities.
Some of these changes affect the church in a very public way, others are more behind the scenes, but we hope that all of them will equip us to reach people and change lives.

Thanks in advance for your prayers.


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