Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I couldn't help but get a kick out of these...

Although I normally make serious posts, I couldn't help but smile at a couple of articles I read today:

  1. I follow eating contests closely, so this situation was of immense concern.
  2. I also follow golf closely, and this would make for quite a memorable round of golf.
Both of these stories brought a smile to my face.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

from The Valley of Vision

Have you ever read a convicting prayer, and been unsure as to whether you can pray it honestly before a God who can search our hearts? I read this in a book called The Valley of Vision which is a collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions. Here are some excerpts from a prayer entitled "Self-Knowledge."

"It is a good day to me when thou givest me a glimpse of myself;"

"My country, family, church fare worse because of my sins."

"Show me how to know when what is lawful comes from an evil principle."

How convicting to see myself, but how refreshing to know that God sees me through Christ!


Back to Blogging

I have taken a couple of weeks off of blogging, but I thought I would share a couple of random thoughts:
  • Having a little girl has to be one of the best things I have experienced in life!
  • Although people have asked about my wife and my new daughter, they have been quick to ask about my son as well. I have realized that Canaan has endeared himself to so many people. He is fortunate to be so loved, and I am blessed to have a son with so much personality.
  • My prayer for my daughter is that she inherit the sweet spirit of my wife. She already has gotten her mom's good looks. :-)
  • I am blessed to be among so many friends here at BBC who have shown their kindness and love for me in so many ways.
I am reminded in so many ways of the grace of God.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I think the best books that I read are the books that I read for the second time. Maybe it is my anticipation of knowing the content, but God seems to use "re-reading" books in a significant way in my life. I actually have 3 re-reads going on right now. They are all encouraging and teaching me greatly.

  • Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament - This is a book I had to read for a seminary class. It may be in my top 5 favorite books. It's not normal that I want to read a book I was required to read, but this is a HUGE exception.
  • The Cross-Centered Life - I talked about this in a sermon I preached last year. It is a great short book that I have come to love.
  • Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - I am reading this for a sermon I am preaching Sunday. It has been heavily influential in encouraging me to share the gospel with confidence.

As I said, I love re-reads.


A Morning Challenge

I was listening to a song this morning. It is called "Surrender All." It was written by Rich Dalmas. As I listened to it, I realized that God was speaking to my heart. You might be challenged by it as well. Here are the words...

Take all I am, Lord, and all that I cling to
You are my Savior I owe everything to
Take all the treasures that lie in my storehouse
They cannot follow when I enter Your house

So I surrender all to You
I surrender all

Take all my cravings for vain recognition
Fleshly indulgence and worldly ambition
I want so much Lord to make You the focus
To serve You in secret and never be noticed

Take all my hunger for all that’s forbidden
Every desire and sin I keep hidden
Search me and know me I want to bring to You
A life that is holy and sanctified through You

You can listen to the song (or even purchase it) by going here.
