Friday, February 9, 2007

Someone Is Always Watching

So I have been running a lot these last couple of months. There is a wood trail that I run through and in our apartments we have a fire place. So for the last month or so I have been running with a Army issued Ruck Sack, which I have been filling with wood for my fire place. One of my neighbors has seen me run and about a week ago, she stopped me and asked me what I was doing. I informed her that I was running to pick up fire wood, and to train, and she said "Well next time you get firewood, get me some." I replied with the southern "Yes ma'am".
Two days ago it was about time for my run, it was dusk, and the sun was beginning to hide behind the mountains, and time was not on my side. I found my trail, filled up my ruck sack full of wood, finished my run, and headed back to my neighbors. I knocked on the door, and immediately began unloading the firewood. She came to the door with a smile when she saw that I had actually got some wood for her. This is where the story get interesting.
She stopped me and asked me why are you trying to get in such good shape? My normal answer of 'I just like it' was not going to do, I felt the Lord leading me, so I said, "Well, The Lord gave me this body, and the gifts, talents, endurance to run, and so I want to stay in shape for Him." She did not look surprised by this answer, and she gazed out past her porch light to see that it was dark. She turned her focus back to me and began questioning again. "Why, are you running out side at this time of night, we are not in the safest neighborhood. If I was a thief and want anything from you I could kill you, and I know you do not care any protection with you, I do not think it is safe." Calmly I said " Do you really want to know why? This is going to blow your mind. You want to know?" She gave an anxious nod. " Well, Ma'am, I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal savior, and because I believe in him, he has promised through His word that, when I die I will be in heaven. Now what I know of heaven is that it is a perfect place, a place without pain, tears, sadness, and in the presence of the Lord. So my question for you is, what would I lose if someone took my life?" She paused for a moment and replied " would have gained everything."
I finished with saying "Then I have nothing to fear." We made small talk after that for a couple minutes. I left that conversation not realizing what the Lord had done. I have been running for months now just because I love to run. I did not realize that people were watching. The Lord was using my passion of running as a door way to share with someone about Christ, and the freedom we have in Him.
There is always someone watching. There is always someone noticing the things you do. God will use your passions to further His kingdom. I hope you are encouraged by this short story and you are reminded that God is Awesomely Big!

- Ryan-


Anonymous said...

Excellent testimony, Ryan. I admire your youthful, righteous zeal for God.

Anonymous said...

Could someone explain what a Ruck Sack is?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the explanation. I guess I had called it a backpack, knapsack, or a book bag. You learn something new every day.