Wednesday, March 21, 2007 many ways

I just got back from a brief vacation. I got to see my parents and my sister's family, so that was a treat. Many BBC people know that I have been blessed to have godly parents. They serve in so many neat ways, that it challenges me! Two particular areas they have given their lives to is:
  1. A Bible study for special needs adults. These adults are mentally handicapped, but are capable of giving and receiving love, and listening to the Bible. My dad teaches them each Wednesday night.
  2. A service at a homeless shelter. Every Tuesday night my mom plays the piano and my dad leads the singing (he's not a singer, by the way...sorry, Dad!) at the Garden City Rescue Mission. About 40-50 men and 5-10 ladies are there in services each week.
I went last night to the mission with them. I was going more or less as an observer. I have to tell you how much I was blessed. One of the men who is staying at the mission played Amazing Grace on his trumpet. We sang "Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior." You would have been blessed by their singing. The prayers of the men and women were passionate. God is doing great things there.

As God would have it, I got to work on my vacation. The scheduled preacher didn't show up. I noticed the nervous glances when it was time to start and he was nowhere to be found.

When I realized that there was no preacher for the evening, I had a feeling where this was going. So....I had brought my Bible, and decided to share the message I shared with BBC a couple of Sundays ago concerning the life of Joseph. I pray that God used my words, and I know He used His words to encourage them.

As I was walking out of the mission, I was reminded of how blessed I am.
  • I am blessed to be employed and have a means to support my family.
  • I am blessed to have a home to live in.
  • I am blessed to have met brothers and sisters in Christ that I may never have met had God not rearranged my plans.
  • I am blessed to be able to have God's word to share on any occasion.
  • I am blessed to have parents who serve people weekly that society often tends to overlook or avoid.
That's just a start. I could go on all day.

God is good, daily giving us so many blessings. I would say more, but David stole my thunder in Psalm 103.



Anonymous said...

This entry is too long to be a blog...

Curtis Hill said...

Sorry for the breach of blog etiquette. If you could point me to a primer on blogging or the official blogging handbook, I would be happy to abide by industry standards. :-)