Monday, April 30, 2007

A Great Question

I just read these questions in one of my favorite books:
"Can you name five good things that have happened to you so far today? Were you thankful to God for any of them?"
In light of the conviction I felt after reading those things, here are my five.
  1. I woke up - a gift from God of a new day to serve him
  2. I talked with my wife and child
  3. I ate a light breakfast - probably more than many in the world ate this morning
  4. I came to work - an opportunity to provide for my family and serve him as well
  5. I got to read the Bible
All that, and it is still early in the morning! How good is God to us? I would love to read your five! Why don't you post them in the comments?

Now I am working on six through ten,

1 comment:

Valerie said...

1- I'm thankful that our van tires were still inflated this morning after 2 of them had to be patched yesterday

2- I'm thankful I have a good job to go to (even when it is Monday!)

3- I'm thankful for coupons, which allow me to get so much for so little

4- I'm thankful for the ability to give with no regrets

5- I'm thankful for a great family and a great church!