Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Upcoming this Sunday, July 15th

This Sunday we look forward to the preaching ministry of Bob Reccord. He is an accomplished author and the former president of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention. He will be joining us in the morning (10:30 am) and evening services (6:00 pm) at Brainerd Crossroads.

You can get to know more about Bob by visiting his blog and website.

Stay posted for more information on guest speakers during this transitional time in our church.


Adam said...

He sounds really good. I can't wait for this Sunday.

Adam said...

Wow what a powerful message Bob brought to us Sunday. I really enjoyed his enthusiasm and excitement.

From his message, I am reminded at how encouraging it is that God knows us all by name. What a wonderful and mighty God we serve!