Monday, July 16, 2007

Some resources based on Bob's Message Sunday

Those in our Sunday morning services were challenged about our level of knowing God's Word. Bob Reccord asked how many people could quote at least 25 verses. I didn't look to see who had their hands raised and who didn't, but I did want to share with you some resources that I have personally used in the task of Scripture memory. I hope they are of some assistance.

BIBLEMEMORY.US - This site will send you a link by email each day to work on memorizing a verse. You end up memorizing about 1 a week. It is free.

FIGHTER VERSES - This resource is an awesome resource. It comes from John Piper's ministry and will help you learn many verses over time. It does cost a little bit, but believe me, it is well worth it. We are working with our son through a similar set of verses made for preschoolers called "Foundation Verses."

ESV MEMORY VERSE BLOG - For those of you who like to track blogs, this might be a help.

I would encourage you not to be overwhelmed by the thought of memorizing God's Word. God is not going to accept you more/less based on the number of verses you know. However, your knowledge of God will increase as you know His Word better.


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