Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Hey, I came across this article, and it got my attention, so I wanted to share it with you. I am not normally an alarmist, but this bothered me.


1 comment:

Christine said...

Curtis, I wish I could have commented the day you wrote this blog but I was busy giving birth to our fifth child! :)
I thought the sermon they referred to was thought provoking. I also believe that as Christians we should stand out and "look" different from the unsaved population. I don't know why the Christian community has bought into the lie that more than 2 kids is wrong. We believe all children are blessings no matter their birth order. I'll have to say that in our family of now 7 people we have received more ctiticism from Christians and immediate family members about our fruitfulness.:) We have also received more support and acceptance from the seniors at our church. I don't know if it reminds them of their own families or makes them wish they had had more children to keep them company in their old age. As it stands we love having a large family and we do take the responsibility of raising them very seriously.
If you ever need any extra material to help brainstorm for a great sermon like the one by Voddie, let me know I have a two great books, Be Fruitful and Multiply by Nancy Campbell and A Full Quiver by Rick and Jan Hess.