Monday, January 29, 2007

Movie Night at the BX

We had a wonderful turn out for our Movie Night last Friday. We watched "Facing the Giants", and we had about 200-225 people come and watch this movie. We had popcorn, and all different kinds of candy, and the room was filled with bean-bag chairs, blankets, and foldable chairs. It was a wonderful environment and setting for the movie. Our pray is that the movie "Facing the Giants" will stir the hearts of those individuals who may not know the Lord who attended. We were very encouraged to see a big crowd and are excited to plan for another Movie Night soon! Check at the BX for local times and listings.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ryan, "Facing the Giants" had a great message and I have recomended the video to several of my friends. Looking forward to other videoes that I can invite others to that may not come to a church service. Betty