Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Some resources

I live in kid-land. From the toys on the floor to the cartoons in the morning, that is where we live. And, I LOVE it. But, with having kids comes an enormous pressure of training them and encouraging them to love God with all their hearts. I also feel especially challenged to ingrain in our kids a love and knowledge of God's Word. So, with that in mind, here are some resources that the Hill family uses.

SEEDS MUSIC - These Scripture songs are designed to help kids learn the Bible. And yet, they are not so "kiddie" that an adult cannot use them to worship and enjoy God as well. I love the CD's. Some of the songs are pretty much aimed at kids, but I think a lot of them could be used in worship services as well. I can personally recommend the Praise and Courage CD's.

HIDE 'EM IN YOUR HEART - Steve Green, who was singing praise and worship before it became a genre, has put together a collection of songs on a CD and DVD that comes straight from Scripture as well. Our son knows so many of the songs (which translates into Bible verses) because he has a slight addiction to the videos. He refers to "Steve" like he is one of his buddies. They are great. Maybe a little dated, but a 3 year old could care less (me too!). If you go to this website, they have a great deal on the DVDs and CD's (I don't get any commission for the recommendation). NOTE: I especially like the song that says "Do everything without complaining or arguing." I have gotten lots of mileage out of that song!

The Big Picture Story Bible and The Jesus Storybook Bible are both great tools in teaching the overarching plan of God beyond individual stories. We use the first and I have skimmed the second. They are awesome and reliable.

I mentioned in another place about Foundation memory verses. Great tool. We are working through the 5th verse in that list (Isaiah 30:15b - In quietness and in trust will be your strength).

Another GREAT resource for helping your child walk with God is Brainerd Baptist Church. Seriously! Our church is here to equip you for ministry for your child, and we work hard to accomplish that goal.


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