Wednesday, August 1, 2007

We can be humbled in more than one way...

I think most people have a general appreciation of humility. I have reminded myself in the past, that "a little bit of humility goes a long way."

God talks about humility in the Bible. He reminds us to humble ourselves. If we do that, He works in our lives. If not, he opposes us! Who would ever want to be opposed by God?

And yet, I am reminded that God often DOES humble us. Sometimes that is in a painful way. Our sin is exposed, our independence is crushed, or our strength (add wealth, position, authority or whatever makes us happy) is taken away.

But God humbles us in another way. It is through His gracious work in the lives of others and their kindness to us. I was humbled in that way this morning. I got an email just as my day was starting. It was so kind, so encouraging. My initial thought was, "God, I don't deserve this kind of encouragement." I realized that my initial thought was right on target. I DON'T DESERVE IT. And yet God is kind enough and so gracious to give it to me.

Thank you God for humbling me!

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