Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blogging at Brainerd Baptist

I set up theBBCblog back in January and have had some fun with it. I thought I would share some things I have learned about blogging at BBC:

  1. Many people DON'T read it. That's OK! I am somewhat addicted to reading blogs, but I know there are a gazillion other worthwhile pursuits.

  2. Many people DO read it. That is great too. I have had people mention things to me that they have read the blog. So, that has been neat.

  3. My fellow BBCbloggers STINK at blogging. Just kidding. Seriously, I hope you feel shamed into blogging more.

  4. Blogging is instant communication, and has become a good place for me to think "out loud."
Having said that, my bbc blogging days have come to a close. If you want to read more of my thoughts (scary as that may be), you can keep track of those by visiting this blog!

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, August 9, 2007

10 Questions with Mark Mims

Hey, recently we polled some of our staff for some info. Here are some of the answers for Mark Mims!

When did you come to Brainerd?
August 2003

Where have you lived?
Warner Robins, GA and Chattanooga, TN

What`s your favorite magazine(s)?
Whatever looks interesting on the table at the doctor's office

Who`s your favorite artist/musicians?
Andrew Peterson, David Crowder Band

What websites do you access at least once a week?,, (Between Two Worlds)

Mountains or the beach?

Who is the most famous person you have met?
When I was little I got an autograph from one of the cast members of The Dukes of Hazard

What is your favorite team?
Georgia Bulldogs

What was your first car?
1991 Nissan Pickup Truck (Yes, that was the official name)

Publisher`s Sweepstakes gives you 1 million dollars, what is the first thing you do?
Call my wife....order everything on my wish list

What has been your best vacation ever?
New York City in 2006

I came to Him and I remain with Him

Here is a quote from a book I am reading...
I came to Him because I did not know which way to turn. I have remained with Him because there is no other way I wish to turn. I came to Him longing for something I did not have. I remain with Him because I have something I will not trade. I came to Him as a stranger. I remain with Him in the most intimate of friendships. I came to Him unsure about the future. I remain with Him certain about my destiny. I came amid the thunderous cries of a culture that has three hundred and thirty million deities. I remain with Him knowing that truth cannot be all-inclusive.

How powerful!


from Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods

Friday, August 3, 2007

You gotta love this...

From the "Smile You're Saving Even More" Department comes this.

This was taken at you're friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart this morning. I think Wal-Mart is the one smiling with this kind of price "rollback."


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Cravings, Conflict and the Check Engine Light

I have found this sermon by C. J. Mahaney helpful in thinking about how to do deal with relational conflict.

It is called “Cravings and Conflict" and is taken from James 4:1-2.

I listened to the sermon a while back on a trip that our family took out of town (after everyone else had fallen asleep in the car). I saw a link to the transcript of the sermon posted on a blog today and was reminded how important the truth of James 4 is.

Here is a highlight from the sermon:

“Cravings underlie conflicts” is an excellent summation of the wisdom found in James 4. Why do we fight? Because we don’t get what we want. It’s that simple. Wherever there’s a conflict—whether it’s between two people or two countries—there’s a sinful craving that hasn’t been satisfied yet. There’s no deeper reason.

Take James 4 with you into your next conflict, and you will be able to identify the source of the problem. Ask yourself, “What do I want that I am not getting right now?” The answer will help you recognize the specific sinful craving that is fueling your quarrels and fights.

Despite the unflattering nature of this discovery, we can be grateful for the clarity and specificity of God’s Word. In his kindness, he has provided us with precise and practical wisdom for understanding our hearts in the midst of relational conflict.

By contrast, we often live in a world of unhelpful generalities. For example, you’re driving along and a light appears on the dashboard: “Check Engine.” That’s all it says. What are you supposed to make of that? The first time it happened to me, I dutifully complied. I pulled over, opened the hood, and stood in front of the engine, thinking, Wow, there’s a lot of stuff in here. But there were no blinking lights, no tiny flags waving, nothing at all to tell me what exactly I should be checking. Within moments I had determined beyond any doubt that the level of the windshield wiper fluid was just fine. Having exhausted my checking abilities, I got back in the car and continued on my way, clinging to the vague hope that such checking had been sufficient........

.........I am so glad that when it comes to relational conflict, God doesn’t provide mere generalities. He gives us so much more information than, “Sin has occurred” and “It’s worse than you think.” Now that is accurate and even quite valuable, but it doesn’t suggest a solution any more than does “Check Engine” or “Error has occurred.” No, God provided James 4:1-2 so that we can identify and confess our specific cravings, receive forgiveness, and begin to weaken our cravings and cultivate righteousness.

You can read the entire sermon here.

You can download and listen to the sermon here.


Some resources

I live in kid-land. From the toys on the floor to the cartoons in the morning, that is where we live. And, I LOVE it. But, with having kids comes an enormous pressure of training them and encouraging them to love God with all their hearts. I also feel especially challenged to ingrain in our kids a love and knowledge of God's Word. So, with that in mind, here are some resources that the Hill family uses.

SEEDS MUSIC - These Scripture songs are designed to help kids learn the Bible. And yet, they are not so "kiddie" that an adult cannot use them to worship and enjoy God as well. I love the CD's. Some of the songs are pretty much aimed at kids, but I think a lot of them could be used in worship services as well. I can personally recommend the Praise and Courage CD's.

HIDE 'EM IN YOUR HEART - Steve Green, who was singing praise and worship before it became a genre, has put together a collection of songs on a CD and DVD that comes straight from Scripture as well. Our son knows so many of the songs (which translates into Bible verses) because he has a slight addiction to the videos. He refers to "Steve" like he is one of his buddies. They are great. Maybe a little dated, but a 3 year old could care less (me too!). If you go to this website, they have a great deal on the DVDs and CD's (I don't get any commission for the recommendation). NOTE: I especially like the song that says "Do everything without complaining or arguing." I have gotten lots of mileage out of that song!

The Big Picture Story Bible and The Jesus Storybook Bible are both great tools in teaching the overarching plan of God beyond individual stories. We use the first and I have skimmed the second. They are awesome and reliable.

I mentioned in another place about Foundation memory verses. Great tool. We are working through the 5th verse in that list (Isaiah 30:15b - In quietness and in trust will be your strength).

Another GREAT resource for helping your child walk with God is Brainerd Baptist Church. Seriously! Our church is here to equip you for ministry for your child, and we work hard to accomplish that goal.


We can be humbled in more than one way...

I think most people have a general appreciation of humility. I have reminded myself in the past, that "a little bit of humility goes a long way."

God talks about humility in the Bible. He reminds us to humble ourselves. If we do that, He works in our lives. If not, he opposes us! Who would ever want to be opposed by God?

And yet, I am reminded that God often DOES humble us. Sometimes that is in a painful way. Our sin is exposed, our independence is crushed, or our strength (add wealth, position, authority or whatever makes us happy) is taken away.

But God humbles us in another way. It is through His gracious work in the lives of others and their kindness to us. I was humbled in that way this morning. I got an email just as my day was starting. It was so kind, so encouraging. My initial thought was, "God, I don't deserve this kind of encouragement." I realized that my initial thought was right on target. I DON'T DESERVE IT. And yet God is kind enough and so gracious to give it to me.

Thank you God for humbling me!