Tuesday, November 27, 2007

War and Peace

Here is a great article written by Russell Moore of Southern Seminary.

The article is called "Who Would Jesus Bomb? War, Peace, and the Christian"

The entire article is worth reading. Here is a brief quote:

"We shouldn't tie dye our shirts and pretend a United Nations enforced peace can end bloodshed. But neither should we callously cheer the violence of war, as if it were a video game. Yes, we should visualize peace-but only a real peace, when the true Emperor of the universe rules over a world so pacific that we cannot even imagine the violence we once saw on CNN, or on Animal Planet. On that day, and maybe not until that day, there won't be the sound of rattling swords, firing guns, or bombs bursting in air."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.