Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I think the best books that I read are the books that I read for the second time. Maybe it is my anticipation of knowing the content, but God seems to use "re-reading" books in a significant way in my life. I actually have 3 re-reads going on right now. They are all encouraging and teaching me greatly.

  • Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament - This is a book I had to read for a seminary class. It may be in my top 5 favorite books. It's not normal that I want to read a book I was required to read, but this is a HUGE exception.
  • The Cross-Centered Life - I talked about this in a sermon I preached last year. It is a great short book that I have come to love.
  • Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - I am reading this for a sermon I am preaching Sunday. It has been heavily influential in encouraging me to share the gospel with confidence.

As I said, I love re-reads.


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