Our Soldiers are fighting over sea's far away from there families and friends. I was reading a book this past summer that changed my life. The Book is called " A Table In The Presence" by LT. Carey H. Cash.
Lt. Cash is a Chaplain who served in the Marines over seas at the beginning of the war in Iraq. He tells a very impact story of unexplainable miracles, protection, fear, sacrifice, and victory that grip you're heart. His book showed me that we still serve a God of Miracles, Power, and Love. This book is a must read and I put this book in my top five all time Favorites!
Father thank you for the men and women that serve in harms way for our protection, and comfort. May you protect them today, from bullets, car bombs, and evil and keep each one of them safe and continue to reveal yourself to them in powerful ways!
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