Sundays are always exhausting but for some reason I can never get to sleep early, I think it's all the energy that goes into Sunday. Anyway, I was just thinking about how great today was and how much I love worshiping God with the people of our church.
The day got off to an interesting start when the choir director got "off" by one beat during the choir opener. I'm going to have to talk to him about that : ) Our very talented musicians covered the mistake of course and the rest of the service went off without a hitch. Heather Shaw did a tremendous job in the 2nd service introducing us to the Todd Fields' song, "Help Me to Find You". What a great song to get us thinking about our intimacy with God. Thank you Heather.
Tonight I enjoyed leading worship that included a couple of my favorite hymns. "Come Thou Fount" and "Be Thou My Vision" are some great old songs to me because of their prayerful message and timeless style. I must say I was shocked to see the hands raised when the pas
Well, God was present in our worship today. I hope you were.
"Tonight I enjoyed leading worship that included a couple of my favorite hymns. "Come Thou Fount" and "Be Thou My Vision" are some great old songs to me because of their prayerful message and timeless style."
I like "praise and worship" songs better. It's too bad we don't have more of that. I mean, those are good songs and all, but I just like the other kind better. Which one do you prefer?
Thanks for the comment Al. For me it's not really a matter of either/or, it's both/and. I think most people who enjoy "praise and worship" do so because the instrumentation those songs are usually played in is closer to what you normally listen to. If the hymns that aren't your favorite were accompanied by a modern band like you're accustomed to and were tweaked just a little then you probably wouldn't even realize they were hymns.
Check out the CD I recommended in my post and you'll see what I mean.
I really appreciate the variety that you bring to our worship music! Bringing in some of the foundational hymns and even "tweaking them" just a little is fine! some of the younger generation might even find they can appreciate the great messages in the older hymns. I also love the newer praise and worship songs! Anytime we're praising God from the heart is a good time in worship! I just want you to know you're ministry is so appreciated!
Linda H.
I really enjoyed the music selections this past Sunday! I just want you to know how much you are appreciated for the variety and selections you choose and all the hard work that goes into making our time in worship together meaningful. Adding some of the older hymns at times is refreshing, even though I very much enjoy the newer praise and worship choruses, I really appreciate you bringing some of the older hymns into the service also. I know most of the younger generation don't really enjoy them, but once in a while it's refreshing. Thank you for all the hard work that goes into your ministry.
Linda Hobart
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