Yesterday I had the opportunity (really, the privilege) of sharing a few words at a funeral service for our church's former librarian. When I came to the funeral home, I noticed our church van was there in the processional line. When I walked in, I realized why. Several of our men were there to serve as pallbearers. There were six of them to be exact. These men all serve the church in so many ways. One of them directs our BX volunteers. One teaches a class of men faithfully each week. Another one provides transportation for people at our church from little children to senior adults. Another has an integral part in our outreach and missions strategy. Another leads a weekly nursing home service. The other was a staff member who often works more than a 40-hour week serving his church.
When the service was over, we came back to the church and a meal was prepared for the family. The ladies who fixed and served the meal also serve in great ways. I am so glad that God has blessed Brainerd. This type of service is not the aberration, but the norm!
Glad to serve along side servants,
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The Long Wait Is Over
Since October I have been looking forward to the opening of the Starbucks on Brainerd Road. It's less than 2 m
iles from the church! How nice is that? Well, it's open and I can inform you that I have bought my first $3 beverage there. It is the first of many, I am sure.
I might be contributing to all that is wrong in America by frequenting Starbucks, but as long as they sell tall decaf Caramel Macchiatos, I will be there.

I might be contributing to all that is wrong in America by frequenting Starbucks, but as long as they sell tall decaf Caramel Macchiatos, I will be there.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 many ways
I just got back from a brief vacation. I got to see my parents and my sister's family, so that was a treat. Many BBC people know that I have been blessed to have godly parents. They serve in so many neat ways, that it challenges me! Two particular areas they have given their lives to is:
As God would have it, I got to work on my vacation. The scheduled preacher didn't show up. I noticed the nervous glances when it was time to start and he was nowhere to be found.
When I realized that there was no preacher for the evening, I had a feeling where this was going. So....I had brought my Bible, and decided to share the message I shared with BBC a couple of Sundays ago concerning the life of Joseph. I pray that God used my words, and I know He used His words to encourage them.
As I was walking out of the mission, I was reminded of how blessed I am.
God is good, daily giving us so many blessings. I would say more, but David stole my thunder in Psalm 103.
- A Bible study for special needs adults. These adults are mentally handicapped, but are capable of giving and receiving love, and listening to the Bible. My dad teaches them each Wednesday night.
- A service at a homeless shelter. Every Tuesday night my mom plays the piano and my dad leads the singing (he's not a singer, by the way...sorry, Dad!) at the Garden City Rescue Mission. About 40-50 men and 5-10 ladies are there in services each week.
As God would have it, I got to work on my vacation. The scheduled preacher didn't show up. I noticed the nervous glances when it was time to start and he was nowhere to be found.
When I realized that there was no preacher for the evening, I had a feeling where this was going. So....I had brought my Bible, and decided to share the message I shared with BBC a couple of Sundays ago concerning the life of Joseph. I pray that God used my words, and I know He used His words to encourage them.
As I was walking out of the mission, I was reminded of how blessed I am.
- I am blessed to be employed and have a means to support my family.
- I am blessed to have a home to live in.
- I am blessed to have met brothers and sisters in Christ that I may never have met had God not rearranged my plans.
- I am blessed to be able to have God's word to share on any occasion.
- I am blessed to have parents who serve people weekly that society often tends to overlook or avoid.
God is good, daily giving us so many blessings. I would say more, but David stole my thunder in Psalm 103.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
March Madness
I can tell that march madness is in full swing. Last night we had just about 40 people at open gym. I had to climb over three people just to get into the gym. OK, so it wasn't that full, but it was great to see everyone, and meet some new friends. Last night the Lord has really laid it on my heart to share the Gospel. At about eight o'clock, I got their attention and started right into it. These are a great bunch of young men, and they are really respectful and quiet when someone is speaking. Last night there was no major decisions, but the Lord helped remind me that I've planted a seed. I was talking with a friend of mine last night, and they encouraged me that the average person will hear the Gospel 7 times before they except Christ into their hearts. I heard this fact before, but it was good to know that maybe for some it was there first time hearing it, maybe it was there 6th time hearing the Gospel. I've come to understand that more and more people will listen to you, and do not mind you asking about there spiritual life. The hardest part, is opening up my mouth, After that the Lord helps me! I hope you are encouraged to share the Love of Christ with someone today. Take a friend golfing, or go bowling, or find something fun to do, and share what Christ has done in your life. Tell your friends, family, co-workers about Him.
My prayer for you all is to know, love, and become closer, and more like Jesus Christ every day!
Saved by Grace, through Faith in Jesus Christ.
My prayer for you all is to know, love, and become closer, and more like Jesus Christ every day!
Saved by Grace, through Faith in Jesus Christ.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Where are the bloggers?
I go on vacation and what one blogs! I need Ryan, Collin, or someone to pick up the slack! :-)
See you guys later this week!
See you guys later this week!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Downloading and Podcasting
We are beginning to offer audio recordings of recent messages shared at Brainerd Baptist Church. If you would like to receive these (or know of someone who would), check out our website for more details.
What does Elijah mean?
Brainerd begins some new classes tonight. Our pastor will lead a marriage class, Ruthie will be looking at a book that speaks about lies that women believe, Mark will guide a class through an awesome book that strengthens our faith, and Collin will continue to train servants/volunteers for The Gathering.
However, I am blessed by my opportunity to open God's Word with our group in prayer meeting. Tonight, I will begin a series called "The Lord Is My God." That is what Elijah's name means. What a statement concerning his allegiance. As much as I have come to admire the courage, trust and tenacity of Elijah, I have been MUCH MORE impressed by the Lord who Elijah served (and I serve). He is the hero of every story in the Bible, isn't He?
Tonight, we will be in 1 Kings 17. If you can't come, take a look at the chapter, and remind yourself to depend on God like Elijah did! God can absolutely be trusted.
However, I am blessed by my opportunity to open God's Word with our group in prayer meeting. Tonight, I will begin a series called "The Lord Is My God." That is what Elijah's name means. What a statement concerning his allegiance. As much as I have come to admire the courage, trust and tenacity of Elijah, I have been MUCH MORE impressed by the Lord who Elijah served (and I serve). He is the hero of every story in the Bible, isn't He?
Tonight, we will be in 1 Kings 17. If you can't come, take a look at the chapter, and remind yourself to depend on God like Elijah did! God can absolutely be trusted.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
As I was researching material for camp this summer I came across a web page that has made a huge impact on me. It is I hear from different people about persecution around the world all the time, but sad to say I usually move on to the next conversation and I never really give it any thought. As I read story after story of brave men and women who are risking their lives to spread the message of Jesus Christ, my heart was broken and I was well aware of just how little I do. We do not understand persecution. We live in a world of 42 inch LCD TVs, SUVs and freedom to attend Sunday morning worship service. While we are in our nice clothes, sitting next to our loved ones, Christians in Iran, China, Cuba, and many other areas around the world, are being placed into jail, beaten, raped and put to death just for the things we take for granted. I don't have an answer other than that it's time for us here and now to have a boldness about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead of being complacent in the absence of persecution in America, we should be encouraged in the face of freedom to share the gospel and the hope of Christ without shame, and to pray passionately for those who encounter affliction each day around the world.
-- Lee
-- Lee
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Easter Candy, Lent, and Great Reading Material
Some people prepare for the celebration of Good Friday and Easter in different ways. Some marketing machines will capitalize on the season to entice shoppers to buy a new dress, buy their kids another toy, or get some pastel M & M's.
Other people will spend their time giving up something for Lent. This sacrifice on their part is an effort to remind them of the sacrifice Jesus made for them.
I have gotten into the habit of preparing myself for these days in a little different way. I try to find a book that focuses my mind on the cross or on the empty tomb (it's empty because there are no bones in it, sorry I couldn't resist a jab at the Discovery Channel's debacle).
Can I give you a couple of suggestions that may make this season special for you?
Other people will spend their time giving up something for Lent. This sacrifice on their part is an effort to remind them of the sacrifice Jesus made for them.
I have gotten into the habit of preparing myself for these days in a little different way. I try to find a book that focuses my mind on the cross or on the empty tomb (it's empty because there are no bones in it, sorry I couldn't resist a jab at the Discovery Channel's debacle).
Can I give you a couple of suggestions that may make this season special for you?
- Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper - a great read (my 2005 Easter book) with short chapters in case you don't have long periods of time to read
- Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado - vintage Max, he captures your imagination and heart in a special way (my 2006 Easter book). There are so many good ones by Lucado, but I love this one
- The Cross of Christ by John Stott - a little longer, a little harder to read, but it's what I have chosen to read this year
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Let the madness begin!
It's that time of the year again...when the temperature gets warmer and the days get longer. It also means it's March Madness time! This year, test your bracket skills against those you see every week at church.
Go to and after you fill out your bracket, join the "Brainerd Baptist Boys" group. Let the madness begin.
Go to and after you fill out your bracket, join the "Brainerd Baptist Boys" group. Let the madness begin.
Don't Forget What I Forgot to Remind You Not to Forget
Time Change. This weekend. It completely slipped my mind on Sunday, but I should have mentioned it. We spring forward this Sunday, lose an hour of sleep, but still get to come to church, ready to worship @ 8:30 am or study the Bible @ 9:30 am.
FYI. My dad begins changing the clocks the Thursday before time change. It messes you up all weekend. Maybe that explains some things about me!
FYI. My dad begins changing the clocks the Thursday before time change. It messes you up all weekend. Maybe that explains some things about me!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
There is something I've just got to talk about...
Last night on the news, I watched the story of a 17 year old uncle and two of his friends teaching his two preschool nephews how to smoke pot. The older boys made a video of this lesson, and were heard laughing in the background while the viewer (me, in this case) watched a two year old and a five year old smoke pot. That was disturbing, but the video wasn't what has completely perplexed me.
The news reporter interviewed the 17 year old. He had been arrested and charged with child endangerment. The boy said that he was sorry, but he really didn't see what the big deal was. He continued to say that he had been around "weed" his whole life and that it wasn't as bad as giving them meth or ice like some other people did to their kids. What he thought he did wrong was video tape the incident. He then went on to say that, at some point in their lives, these little boys would try "weed", so what's the big deal about having it now? Then when asked about his punishment, he said, "Prison is out of the question, maybe some probation or community service, but not prison."
HELLO!!!! What's the big deal?!!! Probation?!!!! Community service?!!! (Hear me screaming at the TV)
Then it hit me. This type of behavior was "normal" to him. This boy was completely bewildered about why this was a big news story. He has probably seen more crime and abusive behavior in his 17 years than I can even imagine. He didn't even realize he was hurting those children.
How did he get like that? When he was young, did a caretaker give him drugs? At what point in his life did the need to be high become so important that he lost all sense of rational thoughts? Can this 17 year old, high school drop out, drug user and dealer ever change? Can his "normal" change? How many generations will continue to live out this kind of hopeless, destructive behavior? Who or what is going to make a difference in this boy and boys like him?
OK, I know what your thinking. Probably what I'm thinking. We know the "Sunday School Answers" to these questions, but for me, those answers are just not enough. I have no doubt God is able to do anything he desires, I know that His power is limitless, I know He is the Redeemer. I know all that. I must admit though, that I feel a bit like the man in Mark 9:24. "I believe. Help now my unbelief."
How cool would it be to see God really move in this boy's life? I don't even know this kid, but he needs Jesus. His family needs Jesus.... not the pretty Jesus we find in pictures or storybooks but the Jesus who met with tax collectors, prostitutes, the demon possessed, and the outcast. He needs the Jesus that bore his sin on the cross and stands ready to receive him. He needs Jesus to be big. This boy needs the author of Truth to be light on the deception in his life. He needs his eyes opened. He needs to know that he is not unredeemable, that God knows the plans He has for him, plans for good, not evil. Imagine how much this boy's life would change if he truly knew that he was God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works.
I'm praying that God will draw this boy to Himself and change him from the inside-out. I am praying this boy becomes a leader to younger children rather than their destruction. I pray this boy surrenders to the call of Christ.
Will you pray with me?
Last night on the news, I watched the story of a 17 year old uncle and two of his friends teaching his two preschool nephews how to smoke pot. The older boys made a video of this lesson, and were heard laughing in the background while the viewer (me, in this case) watched a two year old and a five year old smoke pot. That was disturbing, but the video wasn't what has completely perplexed me.
The news reporter interviewed the 17 year old. He had been arrested and charged with child endangerment. The boy said that he was sorry, but he really didn't see what the big deal was. He continued to say that he had been around "weed" his whole life and that it wasn't as bad as giving them meth or ice like some other people did to their kids. What he thought he did wrong was video tape the incident. He then went on to say that, at some point in their lives, these little boys would try "weed", so what's the big deal about having it now? Then when asked about his punishment, he said, "Prison is out of the question, maybe some probation or community service, but not prison."
HELLO!!!! What's the big deal?!!! Probation?!!!! Community service?!!! (Hear me screaming at the TV)
Then it hit me. This type of behavior was "normal" to him. This boy was completely bewildered about why this was a big news story. He has probably seen more crime and abusive behavior in his 17 years than I can even imagine. He didn't even realize he was hurting those children.
How did he get like that? When he was young, did a caretaker give him drugs? At what point in his life did the need to be high become so important that he lost all sense of rational thoughts? Can this 17 year old, high school drop out, drug user and dealer ever change? Can his "normal" change? How many generations will continue to live out this kind of hopeless, destructive behavior? Who or what is going to make a difference in this boy and boys like him?
OK, I know what your thinking. Probably what I'm thinking. We know the "Sunday School Answers" to these questions, but for me, those answers are just not enough. I have no doubt God is able to do anything he desires, I know that His power is limitless, I know He is the Redeemer. I know all that. I must admit though, that I feel a bit like the man in Mark 9:24. "I believe. Help now my unbelief."
How cool would it be to see God really move in this boy's life? I don't even know this kid, but he needs Jesus. His family needs Jesus.... not the pretty Jesus we find in pictures or storybooks but the Jesus who met with tax collectors, prostitutes, the demon possessed, and the outcast. He needs the Jesus that bore his sin on the cross and stands ready to receive him. He needs Jesus to be big. This boy needs the author of Truth to be light on the deception in his life. He needs his eyes opened. He needs to know that he is not unredeemable, that God knows the plans He has for him, plans for good, not evil. Imagine how much this boy's life would change if he truly knew that he was God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works.
I'm praying that God will draw this boy to Himself and change him from the inside-out. I am praying this boy becomes a leader to younger children rather than their destruction. I pray this boy surrenders to the call of Christ.
Will you pray with me?
Our Pastor Is Back
I am sure we will hear more about our pastor's trip to Germany, but I wanted to let everyone know he is back. I know firsthand because he took me out for lunch. We went to Porker's BBQ (I have made a decision to only eat where the President eats!). I don't think you can get Porker's in Germany! Their loss, our gain.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Off the Clock and Still Serving
There are many great reasons to be a part at Brainerd Baptist. But, I am especially encouraged when I see people choosing to serve this church. Particularly, today I noticed that our receptionist had clocked out at 5:00pm, but was still making sure some details were taken care of even at 5:20pm. That is not abnormal here, but it is HUGELY appreciated. What a privilege to be a part of a church with so many great servants.
Thank you, God, for those who go far beyond what is expected. Their love for you helps our walk with you. Bless them. What they do in secret, may they be rewarded for in heaven!
Senior Blessing Service -- An expression of love
This past Saturday, the high school youth and their families took part in a special evening honoring our graduating seniors. The evening started with a dinner provided for everyone as an opportunity to fellowship and to introduce the evening. The rest of the time was spent in the Crossing in a time of worship and prayer, offering an opportunity for families to worship together and to “pass a blessing” on to our seniors who will graduate high school this year.
In preparing for this evening, we planned according to Lee’s vision of following the example of Christ in his last night with the disciples before His crucifixion. This included washing the feet of the seniors in an act of service, as Christ called us all to be servants. In John 13, Christ sets the example for His disciples in washing their feet, and makes His purpose on earth clear in Matthew 20:28 in saying “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” We pray that the students, as a result of Christ’s death and humility, would serve the world that they impact with the love of Christ.
The night continued as we took communion with the seniors, remembering and proclaiming the Lord’s death (Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26) and celebrating what the Lord has done in each of our lives. The evening ended as each person in the room prayed over the seniors, praising the Lord for His faithfulness in their lives and seeking the Lord’s power and preparation in their lives as they face changes and a new phase in life. Oh that we would trust the Lord as faithful to complete His work in each of their lives! (Philippians 1:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)
Going into this evening, I expected it to be a special time for each of our seniors and their families, but I was blown away by the love and compassion poured out in that room. I could not have even imagined the way the Lord moved in my heart in watching the prayers of friends and families, and especially in the expressions of parents for their children. I saw parents who really desired to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, now lifting up their children before His throne with earnest pleas for their hearts and lives, and in the same time encouraging their children to continue to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. It was beautiful! And if I am honest, it did at times make me miss the nearness of my own parents and their love, but the Lord gently reminded me that He calls me His child and loves me with a steadfast, everlasting love. The expressions of love shown by these parents to their children were only a small glimpse of the boundless love of our Savior and Lord! “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1). May we rejoice in the Lord’s steadfast love and faithfulness, and rest in our Father’s arms as children of the eternal King!
-- Christie
In preparing for this evening, we planned according to Lee’s vision of following the example of Christ in his last night with the disciples before His crucifixion. This included washing the feet of the seniors in an act of service, as Christ called us all to be servants. In John 13, Christ sets the example for His disciples in washing their feet, and makes His purpose on earth clear in Matthew 20:28 in saying “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” We pray that the students, as a result of Christ’s death and humility, would serve the world that they impact with the love of Christ.
The night continued as we took communion with the seniors, remembering and proclaiming the Lord’s death (Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26) and celebrating what the Lord has done in each of our lives. The evening ended as each person in the room prayed over the seniors, praising the Lord for His faithfulness in their lives and seeking the Lord’s power and preparation in their lives as they face changes and a new phase in life. Oh that we would trust the Lord as faithful to complete His work in each of their lives! (Philippians 1:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)
Going into this evening, I expected it to be a special time for each of our seniors and their families, but I was blown away by the love and compassion poured out in that room. I could not have even imagined the way the Lord moved in my heart in watching the prayers of friends and families, and especially in the expressions of parents for their children. I saw parents who really desired to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, now lifting up their children before His throne with earnest pleas for their hearts and lives, and in the same time encouraging their children to continue to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. It was beautiful! And if I am honest, it did at times make me miss the nearness of my own parents and their love, but the Lord gently reminded me that He calls me His child and loves me with a steadfast, everlasting love. The expressions of love shown by these parents to their children were only a small glimpse of the boundless love of our Savior and Lord! “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1). May we rejoice in the Lord’s steadfast love and faithfulness, and rest in our Father’s arms as children of the eternal King!
-- Christie
Monday, March 5, 2007
You Did It!
I was just informed that we were over 1000 yesterday in Sunday Bible Study which means we had 5000 people here over the last 5 weeks. That is awesome. Personally, I did my part by being counted 2 or 3 times each week (just a joke).
Seriously, many people did a great job in reaching our goal, but George Brown especially worked hard to make this happen. Let's keep it up, and shoot for 10,000 over the next 10 weeks!
Seriously, many people did a great job in reaching our goal, but George Brown especially worked hard to make this happen. Let's keep it up, and shoot for 10,000 over the next 10 weeks!
The Gathering Q and A
Last night Collin and I had the opportunity to share with the church concerning our new simulcast. We presented things in a question-and-answer format. You can read more about some of the questions and answers here.
You might also want to visit The Gathering's website. Keep reading the blog for more information concerning this great opportunity for ministry.
You might also want to visit The Gathering's website. Keep reading the blog for more information concerning this great opportunity for ministry.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
And now for the weather...
I love to laugh. I'm not sure how long this guy stayed a weatherman but it was fun while it lasted.
Friday, March 2, 2007
The American Dream and a Wasted Life
At one time the American dream was a house with a white-picket fence, two kids and a dog. Over the years that dream has morphed into something else. Now, the house, kids, dog, and job that pay for them (well...maybe not the kids) all seem to be steps to the new American dream...Retirement!
Stay with me. As a 30 year old who's been working since I was 15, I have been taught the importance of saving for retirement. Now I'm not against saving for retirement or preparing for the future, but what kind of future. Everywhere you turn the new American dream is espoused, a life of leisure and relaxation devoid of work and pain.
The problem with this goal is that it is not supported by Scripture. When you study God's word in an effort to find out how you should spend your life, the words, "leisure", "relaxation", even "retirement" are nowhere to be found. I would like to offer up the idea that instead of saving money all our lives toward a goal of "retirement", that we would do better to save resources during our career years toward the goal of "mission". I hope that when the time comes that I no longer work a regular Monday through Friday (or Sunday) job, that I will have saved enough money to do whatever I want. What I want is to be able to go on mission trips with my church, help feed people in India, dig a well in Africa, give money (a lot) to whatever building project the church we serve in is involved with, and in general have the financial freedom to serve Christ however he leads.
For a great message on not wasting your life, click here.
Stay with me. As a 30 year old who's been working since I was 15, I have been taught the importance of saving for retirement. Now I'm not against saving for retirement or preparing for the future, but what kind of future. Everywhere you turn the new American dream is espoused, a life of leisure and relaxation devoid of work and pain.
The problem with this goal is that it is not supported by Scripture. When you study God's word in an effort to find out how you should spend your life, the words, "leisure", "relaxation", even "retirement" are nowhere to be found. I would like to offer up the idea that instead of saving money all our lives toward a goal of "retirement", that we would do better to save resources during our career years toward the goal of "mission". I hope that when the time comes that I no longer work a regular Monday through Friday (or Sunday) job, that I will have saved enough money to do whatever I want. What I want is to be able to go on mission trips with my church, help feed people in India, dig a well in Africa, give money (a lot) to whatever building project the church we serve in is involved with, and in general have the financial freedom to serve Christ however he leads.
God, keep me from wasting my life on the pursuit of a retirement
defined by leisure and relaxation.
defined by leisure and relaxation.
For a great message on not wasting your life, click here.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
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